Why voice search is going to be big for SEO

Why Voice Search is going to be big for SEO

It’s astonishing how big businesses around the world are utilising voice search to enhance their digital marketing and SEO tactics. 

In fact, a reliable marketing statistic based on voice search usage over the previous five years indicated that by 2020, voice searches would account for 50% of all searches, a prediction we can believe to have been reasonably true. 

Voice search usage has increased significantly since 2014, and according to Statista, by 2024, voice search will be used by more than 50% of all internet users worldwide. This gives your company the go-ahead to begin implementing voice search to optimise the content of your website.

You have no choice but to accept it if you want your website to be among the top results for Google’s web page search and to attract a sizeable portion of internet users. 

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, so it’s time for your company to start utilising this ground-breaking new search technology. 

Voice search gadgets like the Google Assistant iPhone (Siri), Google Home, Google Assistant Android phones, Amazon Echo (Alexa), and Microsoft Cortana are now widely accepted.

Additionally, voice search is quickly replacing text search as consumers’ preferred method, which is an excellent cause for your company to switch over. For your knowledge, the following are only a few of the major scientific variables driving the shift in consumer behaviour from text to voice search: 

Convenience, for instance, allows the user to input data at a rate of 50 words per minute when using voice search, as opposed to 40 words when using text search. 

the capacity to conduct searches using natural language. Instead of texting a list of precise keywords, voice search enables users to search for information online using their own language.

Excellent user experience in terms of clear and pertinent results as opposed to a collection of many links, each with a different type of content. 

Assistance with Multitasking Yes, the user is using voice search rather than typing in the search terms. This implies that the user can conveniently look up a restaurant or gas station while driving or browse a recipe while chopping onions. 

So how does voice search differ from text search in terms of how it affects a website’s SEO ranking? Why will voice search rule SEO in the future? 

Being on the first page of search results for voice search doesn’t cut it; your website needs to be at the top. In contrast to looking for specific website material, voice search users just receive the content of the top website.

The introduction of voice search will have an impact on the keywords required for your site, what is required to optimise your site, and what are the crucial elements that you must pay attention to for your site to be listed at the top. 

Here are some pointers on how to make your website voice search-friendly. 

Determine the main goal of voice searches.

Why did the user search for this specific piece of content? What are the search’s objectives and expectations? For instance, in the US, 42% of teenagers and 40% of adults inquire about directions.

This information by itself should be enough to convince you that you need to add your company to Google My Business so that customers can easily locate you. Allow your website to display accurate company addresses, phone numbers, directory listings, and other contact information. You will find it difficult to focus your efforts on getting your company listed at the top once you realise why people are using the voice search tool to do their searches.

Make sure your website loads swiftly and without any interruptions.

People favour voice search over text search because of its convenience, as was already said. A busy person may not have enough time to form a search query, thus they require a really practical solution. Voice search is now the most practical search method. Additionally, make sure your webpages load quickly because Google prefers those that do. You can use a variety of strategies to speed up the loading of your website. Using website caching is one of them. 

  • Make sure the files on your website are compressed. 
  • Make sure the photos on your site are optimised. 
  • Reduce the number of redirects that occur on your website. 
  • Reduce the response time of your hosting server.

Make local searches a priority. 

Since 25% of voice search users are searching for local content, your website absolutely must have precise geotagging. Additionally, pay attention to question-based questions and update Google My Business. 

Make sure the user interface on your website is responsive and easy to use. In the past 12 months, voice search apps have been used by more than 60% of smartphone users.

Therefore, whether you’re attempting to improve your voice search ranking or not, it’s imperative that you optimise your website for mobile visitors.

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